Voices of customers... "Shashi is refined coziness!" • "I couldn't stop staring at my own feet!"


We want you to love your SHASHI purchase. If in the unlikely event you wish to return or exchange an item(s), please follow the instructions below.


We can only accept returns if your original purchase was on www.shashionline.eu. If you did not purchase your SHASHI socks on www.shashionline.eu you must contact the original retailer for their return policies.

All socks must be returned unworn, in the original packaging, and accompanied by the original sales receipt.

Please contact us to by emailing info@shashionline.si with your order number and the SKUs/product name and quantity you wish to return.

The merchandise you wish to return must be received within 14 days.

Returns will be refunded to the original method of payment within 10 business days of return of the item(s).

Shipping charges are not refundable.


We can only accept exchanges if your original purchase was on www.shashionline.eu. If you did not purchase your SHASHi socks on www.shashionline.eu you must contact the original retailer for their return policies.

If you would like to exchange an item(s), please clearly indicate the style, size, and color you want when you call or email.

Your exchanged item(s) will be shipped once we've received your information. There will not be additional shipping and handling charges for orders within the EU only. International orders may be subject to additional shipping fees.